SUMMARYIn this plan we will propose strategies for the conservation and sustainable management of 1200 hectares of mangrove forest and the repopulation and enrichment of 570 hectares on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, specifically in threatened areas of the department of Córdoba, in the municipality of Moñitos. This region is under stress due to the influence of threats of anthropic origin in the area: Deforestation for agricultural and livestock activities; and climate change. Currently, the Zenú indigenous community that coexist in these ecosystems have shown interest in implementing conservation strategies and healthy productive practices with the environment, for which, the ECOCEANOS Corporation, together with representatives of the indigenous community, formulate this as a starting point in the mangrove conservation agenda. In this plan, we propose educational activities and conservation programs. The proposed afforestation and reforestation processes would be with 3 species in danger of extinction: Avicennia germinan (mangle de humo), Rhizophfora mangle (mangle rojo) and Laguncularia racemosa (mangle bobo). The results obtained from this project contain extensive information and contribute significantly to the necessary changes in the environmental culture of populations that for several generations have exploited the mangrove and its resources without clear awareness of the need, of its replacement for its sustainability and for the very life of all the biodiversity present in said ecosystem.